Thursday, August 11, 2005

City Farm

City Farm is an oasis in Chicago's notorious Cabrini Green, a no-go area of project housing and crime. I have been having a lot of fun down here with the energetic and generous volunteers, garden workers and trainees from the neighborhood. Weeding, watering, planting and working on the farm stand - getting my hands dirty!

The project housing in the background doesn't look so bad in the photos - but it's very dismal in reality.

Marisa picking some of the delicious tomatoes for market - 24 varieties and they are all yum. Although there have been complaints that the 'Aussies' aren't bearing too many.

The Boys - Timothy, Courtney and Leeroy - summer trainees from Cabrini Green.

At the farm stand with Caitlin.

Looking across the tomatoes and watermelon to the city sky-line.


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